Silka Blog Insights

Is Ringworm Contagious?

Written by Silka | 12/02/2021

If ringworm infections keep popping up in your household you may be wondering — is ringworm contagious? You may be surprised to find out that it is, and that transmission is not limited exclusively to adults or humans for that matter!

The itchy and uncomfortable ringworm rash can easily spread between all members of the household and become a chronic problem. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at: how you get ringworm, ringworm fungus in children and pets, ringworm and athlete’s foot, and how to treat ringworm.

Ringworm in Children

child scratching ringworm rash

It’s fairly common to see children experiencing a ringworm fungal infection. Children can easily catch the ringworm rash from playing with other children and pets. If your child complains about an itchy red rash that’s located in the groin, scalp, or inner thigh, they may have a ringworm rash.

When you think your child may be experiencing a ringworm infection, it’s helpful to remember that the fungal skin infection is easy to catch.

Learn more about ringworm symptoms in our post, Itchy Red Circular Rash - It Could Be Ringworm.

Some of the main causes of ringworm rash are:

• Playing with other children with ringworm.
• Touching soil containing ringworm fungus.
Contact with pets that have a ringworm infection, as ringworm in dogs and cats is very common!
• Contact with an adult with a fungal infection like athlete’s foot, ringworm, or jock itch.
Touching personal belongings that have come into contact with a fungal infection (such as towels and sheets).

Due to the nature of playing and exploring, children commonly catch ringworm infections. That's why it’s important to teach them about good personal hygiene habits to prevent them from catching and spreading the ringworm fungus to others.

woman scratching ringworm fungus

If you or your children keep getting ringworm infections, take a look at our detailed blog post on ringworm causes and why it keeps coming back.

It can be helpful to teach your children the following personal hygiene tips:

Wash hands with warm water and soap after playing outdoors.
Avoid sharing personal items with others. They should always have their own set of towels, clothes, and shoes and shouldn’t share them with others.
Wash hands after touching animals.
Recognize fungal skin infections so they can prevent further spread to other parts of the body.Not sure what to look for? Take a look at our posts on Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch, and Ringworm to learn more.

Jock Itch and Ringworm from Athlete's Foot

If athlete's foot is left untreated, the fungus can spread to other parts of the body by way of direct contact or contact with contaminated items (such as clothing, towels, and bedding).

While athlete’s foot usually affects the spaces between your toes, soles, and heels of your feet, the fungus tinea pedis can easily spread to other warm and humid areas like the groin, inner thigh, and scalp.

If you’re experiencing an athlete’s foot infection, prevent it from spreading to other people or areas of your body and developing into a ringworm fungal infection by following a few simple precautions:

Don't come in contact with the personal items of others (towels, clothes, etc). These fabrics are often breeding grounds for fungal spores and can easily spread the infection to other parts of your body.
Wash your hands after petting dogs and cats. Pets can be carriers of ringworm rashes and easily transmit ringworm fungus to humans.
• If you know you have an athlete's foot, ringworm, or jock itch infection, make sure that you treat it and take precautions so that others don't come into contact with your fungal infection.

Quickly and effectively treating any athlete’s foot infections means that you’ll stop it from developing into a fungal skin infection elsewhere on your body or in other members of your household.

Read more: Athlete’s Foot Symptoms or Dry Feet?

How to treat ringworm

Once you have a ringworm skin infection it’s essential to treat it promptly using an effective treatment plan. For best results, we recommend using an antifungal cream to eradicate ringworm fungus properly.

Instead of using unproven home remedies or other over the counter medications, treat ringworm with Silka Ⓡ Antifungal Cream. Containing the active ingredient terbinafine, Silka Ⓡ Antifungal Cream efficiently eradicates the fungus with 7 days of treatment.

Remember if you’re suffering from repeated ringworm or athlete’s foot infections, and it feels like it’s a chronic skin infection, it’s best to see a doctor who can give you a personalized treatment plan. If you suffer from any preexisting conditions, you should also see your medical care provider before beginning any treatment plans.

Take care!